Monday, August 22, 2011


Libya joins the IMF/WTO
..Only 4 nations left without a Rothschild controlled central bank .. Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba

Now the Crisis Capitalists move in (after the usual 2 days of petty looting)
Privatise the Oil, and in particular the 'Great Manmade River Project' GMR
Then privatise everything else.

Libyans will feel free, even as their food and housing prices soar sans subsidies
Free to open a small beezniss.
Free to worship celebs on tv as their children stay home, priced out of from privatised schools

Just the wrong time to ditch your central dicktat in exchange for a bunch of tribal gangsters.
Just as Empire/Capital is taking a dive.

The origin of consciousness: people havnt yet attained consciousness. They park part of their self-identity with the 0.1% who expropriate their labour. Identify with your repressors.
Free speech: You can say anything you want to now. Aint it grand! 'Repressive Tolerance' (look that one up)
Unless your speech has the slightest possibility of provoking action - 4years chokey for FB calls for a riot...

Celebrity fervour. Seems that the Ghadaffi family lost the image battle. Anyway Brown&Root designed the GMR so the fix was in. Somehow Sarkosy seems inadequate as the new Emporer of North Africa

Empire is on its last gasp. Look for gangster states (Russia RSA), narco states, tribal enclaves...
Unclear if the phone towers and cables will be maintained. If they are, it will be a new kind of dark-ages.
Moammar hasnt turned up yet. LAst of the 69ers.

Juan Cole, has rolled over for Empire, justifying the bombing of Tripoli because "Workers were .. unable to collectively bargain for improvements in their conditions." Gosh Juan, I guess you failed to notice Reagan firing all those AitTrafficControllers in 1981...

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See my tribute to Giordano Bruno in my YouTube video
"POPE GUY The Pontiff Man."